16 inch Hazelwood (For heart burn, acid reflux, eczema) Pink Rose Quartz Necklace for teenager or adult Review

16 inch Hazelwood (For heart burn, acid reflux, eczema) Pink Rose Quartz Necklace for teenager or adult

  • Every necklace is individually knotted. This is an added level of safety if the necklace ever broke.
  • We offer 30 day money back guarantee on all necklaces.
  • Necklaces are 16 inches for adult for Gut issues; Eczema, Colic, Reflux, heartburn, and ulcers. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
  • Hazelwood Necklaces should be removed during swim & bath. Avoid checmicals. Hazelwood Necklaces typically last anywhere from 3-12 months depending on your own body’s acidic level. You will see the necklace get very dark on the edges when it’s time to replace.
  • Therapeutic Quality, Hazelwood can take 1-2 weeks to see the full effect. Hazelwood works by creating a more alkaline environment in your body through direct contact with your skin, which may help to prevent and remedy many of the symptoms caused by acidosis (being too acidic) and by reducing free-radicals by having a high antioxidant effect through your pores. The wood absorbs excess acidity from your body until a balanced PH is reached. This has the potential to improve conditions caused by excess acidity, which can include skin & GUT issues.

Necklaces are available in 16 inches for teens and adults.

* Hazelwood is specific in GUT areas; eczema, tummy ache, acid reflux, ulcers, vomiting, and heart burn. Colic, vomiting, GERD, ulcers. May also help with migraines.

* Pink Rose Quartz: Helps to ease the loss, calm stress, helps with low confidence & quells anger. (Taurus, Cancer, Birthstones, April, May, June, July Birth months) 

What is Hazelwood?
Hazelwood works by creating a more alkaline environment in your body through direct contact with your skin, which may help to prevent and remedy many of the symptoms caused by acidosis (being too acidic) and by reducing free-radicals by having a high antioxidant effect through your pores. The wood absorbs excess acidity from your body until a balanced PH is reached. This has the potential to improve conditions caused by excess acidity, which can include skin issues such as eczema, internal gut issues such as ulcers, acid reflux, GERD, and heartburn.

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